leading private and cosmetic dentists

SoCosmetic Dentist Central Londonnria Dental, leading private and cosmetic dentists clinic is to be featured in Februarys edition of at home magazine, the editorial with Dr Christian Jessen (of TV’s Embarrassing Bodies) out lines some of the treatments available at Sonria, the leading dentists in central London, alongside advice for people with dental problems. With a double page editorial and a profile on our own expert dentist Layla Packham.

The At Home article is testament to Sonria’s long established reputation for not only being helpful, friendly and professional but also as the leading private and cosmetic dentists in Central London.

You can subscribe to At Home Magazine to read February’s edition here

You can see services we offer here or get in touch today to find out more

Leading private and cosmetic dentists

Below you can see a preview of the editorial on Sonria Dental Clinic


Dentist Central London

action on sugar

According to Dentalhealth.org Oral health charity British Dental Health Foundation are calling for action on sugar which would including a reduction on price promotions in stores, sugar reduction in everyday food and drink and an introduction of a 10-20% tax on sugary soft drinks.

This come after a PHE (Public Health England) report on sugar stating “children’s tooth extractions cost the NHS around £30 million per year, with the biggest cause being tooth decay” cause predominantly by sugar. To learn more about dental hygiene click here

The report calls for a reduction on price promotions in stores, sugar reduction in everyday food and drink in general and an implementation of a 10-20% tax on soft drinks.

Tooth extractions for kids can cost the NHS and Government £30 million per year. The biggest cause being tooth decay and tooth decay excerbated by over consumption of sugar. Sugary food and drink are also the biggest reason for children being admitted to hospital for general anaesthetics. This cannot be allowed to continue. There is a definite need for quick and decisive action and there needs to be high level intervention to help change the Britain’s attitude to sugar.

The Government has so far resisted the call for the Sugar tax but reviews like this may help to sway them.

Read the full article here

DH&T Article Sonria Dental where Leyla discusses the use of local deals and the NSK Prophy Mate Neo as marketing.

Sonria Dental Clinic

Preventative Dentistry Prevents Disease

Preventative Dentistry Prevents Disease. We wanted to provide you with a link to a site that talks about how looking after your gum and general oral healthcare can reduce the chances of getting diseases in the future. This article by dental health is a fascinating read for anyone that wants to know more about preventing oral diseases and maintaining general good oral health care.

You can read the full article here and view our services on preventative dentistry